Friday, November 29, 2013

Elephant attacked by crocodile at waterhole

The encounter, snapped by Ian Salisbury, works at a nearby lodge in Zambia, was a Rudyard Kipling story come to life. The story, 'The Elephant's Child: How the Elephant Got His Trunk,' tells of how a crocodile bit an elephant on the nose, stretching it out and creating its trunk. That sort of happened here, too, though instead of satisfying curiosity, the elephant ended up in pain.

An ambitious crocodile bit onto the trunk of an elephant as it sipped water in a pond.

So that's how the elephant got his trunk! This epic battle in the wild appears to prove a famous Rudyard Kipling story might have been true.
In 1902, "The Jungle Book" author Kipling wrote "The Elephant's Child: How the Elephant Got His Trunk."
The short story told of how a young inquisitive elephant wanted to discover what crocodiles eat.
Kipling wrote that in going to the river to find out the elephant was bitten on the end of his nose by a crocodile which stretched it into a trunk.
In this ultimate case of life imitating art, this young bull elephant suffered the same fate as he went to drink at a waterhole a week ago today.

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